Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Of Mint Leaves and Spring Days.

Today was a spring day: the smell of fresh mulch; the cool breeze flowing through my bedroom; the taste of a juicy plum; sun on my face; the grass on my bare-feet; spring dresses; birds chirping; tulips growing; trees budding; the smell of the first mint leaves. Yes, it was one of those days that reminded me of being a kid again. I can remember being ten and waking up to the first rays of sunshine through my window. I can remember the anxious feeling tickling my insides as I rushed to finish up my schoolwork on those Spring days. The whole world [well, the backyard might have been the whole world in my ten year old eyes] was waiting for me.

All winter I would long for the day I could run outside without shoes or socks and pack up those school books for three whole months, the days I could have my bike sit outdoors, have fortresses up in the trees, and battles in the front yard. These were days that promised so much more exciting and
fascinating summer times in just two short months. They promised hot humid days being cooled off in the pool, sweet homemade lemonade out of mason jars and endless nights of crouching behind trees with bated breath as I waited for the fireflies to light up. It promised more nights of baking cookies with Dad, and ending them with flashlight tag at the park.

I can remember the lazy summer feeling and waking up each morning so excited to see what adventure lay ahead for me. It reminds me of Mom's laundry out on the line, and the smell of the clean white cotton pillowcases, of our morning chores and our fresh fruit for breakfast. It reminds me of the afternoons resting on the window seat, sun peering through the "Toy Story" clouds on our sun-kissed faces, wind blowing through our messy ragged hair, and Mom reading "On the Banks of Plumb Creek" to us. Summer nights meant staying up later watching Andy
Griffith reruns, and reading "Story Time with the Millers". It meant Popsicles and Ice Cream; gardens and flowers; walks and park days; baseball and friends; chalk and bubbles; bike rides and Jeep rides ;) and falling asleep each night to the chirp of crickets out my window.

A Spring day like today is a promise for a Summer like those I remember--even though I'm not ten anymore. :]

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kelle! Thank you for the walk down memory lane. It is indeed that time of year--early! I keep thinking we're almost done with school for the year, then I look once more at the calendar and sigh. :)

    Your blog is beautiful--you may have to resize some buttons to fit better. I'm always amazed at you young folks who just jump right in and learn how to do everything.

    Finally, I'm proud that you spelled "bated breath" correctly. That does this grammarian's heart good. :)

    Mrs. S
